La domenica sportiva

I went for a long slow run today. Along the Wiese river. Up to Bettingen. Via my favourite sawdust track (aka Finnenbahn) at Ausserberg. And, ending my run at the Kneipp facility in Riehen. Feeling positive and blessed.

Static site generators

On Hugo: I’ve worked my way thru this Udemy course, which explains the principles:  It’s fun; an alternative to server roundtrips; lots of cool themes to get you started:

Jog log: Early bird

Achievement of the week. I managed to go running twice this week – in the morning before work. It’s cold and dark. Getting outside and getting started is the challenge. Running is fun. And overcoming my inner pig dog (only Germans have this) is even better.

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Buildings to see in Basel

I stumbled across a list of places to see in Basel (link now broken) and decided to venture out and have a look at some of the listed architecture. Freidorf Residential Estate (1920) by Hannes Meyer in Muttenz near Basel Antoniuskirche (1927), near Kannenfeldplatz, Basel by Karl Moser I really like this church building. It… Continue reading Buildings to see in Basel

The internet is for everyone

Got to love the Internet. Nothing is too obscure. Videos of rain And a web page for non-twitterers… Tell the world why you don’t tweet: Buon weekend

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Stumbled across this, while searching for “tintin comic” for a work-related task: A collection of cars that appeared in the Tintin comics. (via).

Bike in the city

Bike cartoons from Paris: Bike in the city – le blog BD de Leah qui nous raconte sa vie / sa ville à  vélo.

Things to do

with a Gorillapod: Fasten your cam to moving objects… Let me see, where did i put my dog?

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The Nutella Alternatives Group at Flickr

Yay, the Nutella Alternatives group is growing (world dominion imminent…). Recent additions include: The question Why spend so many hours and bytes on Nutella and derivatives? It’s a web differentiator! And when people wander thru the shopping aisles with their phone cams they need a purpose. The Flickr group lists all the details: Childhood… Continue reading The Nutella Alternatives Group at Flickr

Monday fun

Some fun links to start off the week: Australia from memory The usefulness of Web 2.0

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Monday fun

smiling at this comic: What the Duck

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Tweet is an old favorite site of mine, which I found about 5 or 6 years ago. Nice to see that some things last. Here’s a fave. Turn up the volume and move the mouse over the birds.

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