random text snippet

Everyone is a marketer, even people and organizations that don’t market. They’re just marketers who are doing it poorly.

today’s WikiHow

Google’s WikiHow suggestions continue to be a great source of entertainment. Today’s link gives advice: How to Be Thankful

Categorized as General

MT vs WordPress

text snippet: WordPress has done a far better job of growing their community I agree

The Weekend Post

Do you write imaginary blog posts while doing other things? I do. For example, I’m always writing blog posts while I’m jogging. Pumping fresh air around my system inspires the blogger within. BTW, I’m also writing virtual novels and software reference guides 😉 I just went for a short, slow jog around the block and… Continue reading The Weekend Post

Categorized as General


just stumbled across this news item at GigaOM: First Web 2.0 IPO, Xing? Does anyone have more details?

Categorized as General, tech


I can confirm this. If you want to hide something, hide it in a long text.

Categorized as General

Event Calendar Plugin

WordPress plugin du jour – for future reference: Event Calendar Version 3.1.0 P.S. Has anyone tried it out yet? Is it better than integrating Google Calendar?

Jeff Wall interpretation (kind of)

This Lisbon street scene reminded me of the Jeff Wall show I saw at the Schaulager some time ago… http://www.schaulager.org/de/popup.php?pfad=archiv/jeff_wall/intro Only that in my case it’s a snapshot…. instead of a careful composition.