upgraded to wp 2.0

Following the true half-geek tradition pursued at chiperoni.ch, I’ve upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. So far everything looks like it’s working fine. Please leave a comment if you stumble across an error. I guess, I’m curious to see how Akismet will help to curb spam. Thanks wp for fixing so many bugs. As… Continue reading upgraded to wp 2.0

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Why You Should Blog…

I’d like to point you to this posting, which sums up a lot of things i’m discovering about blogging: Why You Should Blog Even though many of my long postings* never reach publish status, writing is a great way to reflect on stuff. And I love saying, “I’m blogging this”… *The short postings do get… Continue reading Why You Should Blog…

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AJAX Translator

Cool translator interface: AJAX Translator Goodbye to pulldown menus and submit buttons! Love the typo “Protoguese”…

Designing Icons

for future reference: Anatomy of an Icon Source: Swissmiss

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I couldn’t think of the German word. Instead I used this word to describe what I was trying to say: ADJECTIVE: Tastelessly showy: brummagem, chintzy, flashy, gaudy, glaring, loud, meretricious, tawdry, tinsel. Informal : tacky Source: garish. Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition. 1995. and surprised myself what vocab is hidden in the back… Continue reading garish

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Swiss weather in Swiss German

Stopped by at the Swiss TV blog for the very first time, and do you know what: “es hudlet”, “es chuutet”, “es strääzt” oder “es chunnd ganz schöön cho schütte” Looks like I’ll need to learn more Swiss German dialect to find out what kind of weather’s being forecast for tomorrow. Just wondering if there’s… Continue reading Swiss weather in Swiss German

Google’s Ten Golden Rules

stumbled across this Newsweek article at Kottke.org: At Google, we think business guru Peter Drucker well understood how to manage the new breed of “knowledge workers.” After all, Drucker invented the term in 1959. He says knowledge workers believe they are paid to be effective, not to work 9 to 5, and that smart businesses… Continue reading Google’s Ten Golden Rules

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Blogger Meetup in Basel

If you’re a Basel blogger (or just travelling thru), there’s a meetup on December 15th at 18:30. For more details, see CyberWriter’s invitation Feel free to come along.

Christmas Concert

Just got back from an excellent gospel concert held by the Basileia church choir in the Theodorkirche. A great way to start the Christmas season on an icy cold and grey November day. [Note to my readers: This restless nomad is developing traditions. See last year’s entry]

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If You Think Africa is Suffering From a Brain Drain, Your Brain is Drained

found this excellent posting on the African brain drain dilemma: I am weary of the brain drain argument. It belongs to donor and NGO conferences, not to the real lives of those who must live by their wits and effort as opposed to a cheque from Western taxpayers. Those who bandy the argument are relentlessly… Continue reading If You Think Africa is Suffering From a Brain Drain, Your Brain is Drained

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Watch dogs in Lilongwe

I like this photo from Lilongwe. The gate, Securicor sign and watch dogs are so typical of many residential areas in Malawi. It reminds me of my regular walks in Nyambadwe with my small dog. A very clever mongrel: If the gate was closed, she’d run up to the gate and bark and provoke the… Continue reading Watch dogs in Lilongwe

Darwins Nightmare

Saw this documentary about the Lake Victoria fishing industry in Mwanza, Tanzania: Darwins Nightmare The only group that Hubert Sauper didn’t interview were the employees in the fish factories… But otherwise a fairly realistic and saddening description of life along the shores of Lake Victoria, showing how Tanzania exports hundreds of tonnes of fish to… Continue reading Darwins Nightmare

Work, interrupted

[…] average cubicle dwellers work at one thing for just 11 minutes at a stretch and this is divided into three-minute chunks. Once they are interrupted from the task in hand it takes them 25 minutes to get back to it. source: print version of yesterday’s FTD and here’s the original article, which was published… Continue reading Work, interrupted

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Linux-Magazin on Open Source in Malawi

Brave Gnu World on Microsoft and open source in Malawi (in German) Couple of links mentioned in the article: Malico Project: http://www.bunda.unima.mw/malico.htm Malawi Polytechnic: http://www.poly.ac.mw School Net Malawi: http://www.schoolnetmalawi.org

Mobile Social Software

Stumbled across this: dodgeball.com :: mobile social software Sounds like fun. And more stress. Don’t know about you, but I’m getting kind of tired of all the different networking platforms like Open BC and Linked In.

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Downloading images from Flickr

Flickr Backup is a utility that allows you to download the pictures you have uploaded to Flickr back down to your computer for personal backup or restore. See: sunkencity.org See also the Flickr tools discussion

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